Level Up Your C Skills ; Dive into Interactive Exercises!


    Welcome to our interactive practice sessions dedicated to mastering the C programming language In this blog series, we work on a journey to strengthen our C skills through hands on exercises and practical challenges.

Lets start with what we learned so far

Q1 : Write a program that subtracts the value 15 from 87 and displays the result, together with an appropriate message, at the terminal.

Answer  :  

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int num1 = 87;
    int num2 = 15;
    int result = num1 - num2;

    printf("Subtracting %d from %d gives %d\n", num2, num1, result);

    return 0;

Q3 : What output might you expect from the following program?

#include <stdio.h> 
int main (void)


int answer, result; 
answer = 100;

result = answer - 10;

printf ("The result is %i\n", result + 5); return 0;


Answer :   Output is 95

Q3 : What output would you expect from the following program?

#include <stdio.h> 
int main (void)


char c, d;
 c = 'd';
 d = c;

printf ("d = %c\n", d);
return 0;


Answer : " d = d "

Q4 : Convert given value in Meter to centimeter.(Write a C program)


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    float meters, centimeters;

    /* Taking input values from user */
    printf("Enter the value in meters: ");
    scanf("%f", &meters);

    /* Convert meters to centimeters */
    centimeters = meters * 100;

    /* Display the result */
    printf("%.2f meters is equal to %.2f centimeters\n", meters, centimeters);

    return 0;

Q5 :  Calculate the volume of a cylinder. PI * r2 h


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    float PI = 3.14;
    float radius, height, volume;

    /* Input values for radius and height */

    printf("Enter the radius of the cylinder: ");
    scanf("%f", &radius);

    printf("Enter the height of the cylinder: ");
    scanf("%f", &height);

    /* Calculate volume using the equation */
    volume = PI * pow(radius, 2) * height;

    /* Display the result */
    printf("The volume of the cylinder is: %.2f\n", volume);

    return 0;

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and valuable insights coming your way!

Designer : M.I AFTHAL AHAMAD (ICT/2022/105)

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